Exam season = Summer of Stressed Teens
As exam time looms parents will notice the soaring stress levels in their teens. It’s time for parents to up their games and get on...

Toddlers and Teen: Montessori and Cambridge
I've been reading a lot recently about the Montessori method in education and all the research that has gone into how peer groups work so...

It’s never too late to change schools
Often I receive emails and queries from parents asking the question, “Isn’t it too late in the year to change my child’s school?” I get...

Don't raise a leech
I’ve noticed this topic coming up on a few mommy blogs and parenting pages recently and I thought that, as an educator of teens, I’d like...

Rights and Riots
Jo'burg (and many other parts of the country) is a scary place to be right now. Students are trashing universities, burning buses and...