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Rights and Riots

Jo'burg (and many other parts of the country) is a scary place to be right now. Students are trashing universities, burning buses and looting shops in town. Most of us are avoiding Braamfontein in general and universities especially. #feesmustfall has gained traction and the world holds it's collective breath once again to see what will come of it.

South Africa is on the brink of change. Everyone can feel it. Some greet it with fear, others with hope. I’m one of the latter, I feel like the riots and charging of ministers are the death throes of a failing regime. The question for all of us though is: How does this affect my kids? While I do honestly believe that our universities will one day be once again world-class institutions I am not sure how long it will take to rebuild and refinance. Five years? Ten? For many of you with teens that is too long and you’ll need to prepare to either get your kids into foreign universities or private institutions. Either way a local Matric ain’t gonna cut it.

It seems only logical then to understand that your child is going to need either a Cambridge qualification, IB or GED. While I am not completely au fait with the latter two I can advise that Cambridge is a fantastic education and is extremely well respected by overseas universities. Everyone in the world knows that Cambridge is of a high standard and good marks through them mean a bright and accomplished student. Completing Cambridge qualifications at TEA opens up the world to your child and give her/him opportunities that a local qualification just doesn’t these days. Everyone has the right to a great education, make sure you make the right choice.

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